Sunday, October 3, 2010

Birthday weekend blog

Wow, what a birthday weekend.  I was expecting a pretty rough birthday, because it knew I was going to have a rough day at work.  Well, it turned out to be blessed.

October 1, a day before my birthday, I dragged my feet to my young couples d-group after another tough day in the office.  To my surprise (actually, it’s been such a tradition that it’s no longer a surprise) they had a cake and Jhean made my favorite food.  We had a great time and a very good study session (we’re starting Biblical Foundation 2, a very good module).  They’re such wonderful people, and even if we’re smaller than many of the other groups, we make up for it with genuine love.

October 2, went to dawn watch at CCF for prayer (because boy did I need it), and as my family and I stepped in the church I was also greeted by the guys who were there.  Everybody broke out into singing happy birthday for me…and I was very nearly late for work as a result.  Oh well.

So, I was expecting a rough day and it sure wasn’t smooth sailing.  But lo and behold, around 3 in the afternoon, my family snuck in a big tray of delicious pancit malabon, Red Ribbon cake, and several balloons at my work.  So here I was, blushing like a tomato as the faculty, the students who were present, and their parents looked on as they brought their offering and sang me yet another birthday song.  But since I had to stay, the fam celebrated at Country Club without me.

So as I finally finished my work at around 7pm, I got a call from Jhean, telling me to hurry up and go to the club after them.  And when I did, lo and behold, there was my family as well as the family of one of my cousins waiting for me…and again they serenaded me with a birthday song.

After a wonderful dinner, we went home and I opened the FB to find out that my page has been swamped with greetings.  I must have had around a hundred or so.  Well, maybe that’s a bit much, but still!  That’s what I get for making lasting friendships in two countries, developing a church family, and having nearly all students (current and former) as FB friends.  To say that I was flattered and moved is a gross understatement.  Two messages in particular, one from a co-worker and another from a d-group member nearly brought me to tears.

As the very tired celebrant got himself ready for the sorely-missed bed, I couldn’t help but thank God for such a great family (both earthly family and family in Christ), great co-workers, great friends…and such a great day, period.  And doing so, I was once again reminded of how I so need to be the kind of man that loves, honors, and protects such wonderful people.

Once again I was reminded of a song that I have been reflecting on quite a bit lately.  It’s a very challenging song that hits me right in the heart as a father and as a husband.  It’s one of the theme songs of my life, probably THE anthem of my life, that is.  Please watch the video in its entirety.  It’s a beautiful, beautiful reminder of the man that I need to be, and maybe you can ever relate to it as well .

God bless you all, and thanks again for the greetings.

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